Exhaust Fan (Plastic)

SIZE: 8″, 10″, 12″

  • High-speed Domestic Exhaust with Sleek ergonomic design to complement décor.
  • Self-opening louvers for protection against birds & rainwater.
  • High-quality engineering plastic with paint coating, giving modern design, a fashionable & elegant look.
  • Suitable for window & wall-mounted indoor installation.
  • Size available in 8″, 10″, and 12″.
  • Fan ON-Off operations are inter-locked through the pull cord

General Specifications

Type Blades Sweep Warranty
Capacitor 6 200mm Yes
Capacitor 6 250mm Yes
Capacitor 6 300mm Yes

Technical Specifications

RPM Air Delivery Power Service Value
1350 13 m3/min 32 Watts 14.06 ft3/min/Watt
1350 17 m3/min 38 Watts 15.79 ft3/min/Watt
1350 21 m3/min 46.5 Watts 16.13 ft3/min/Watt

Product Features

Certification & Awards

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Nizampura, Sialkot Road, Gujranwala Pakistan.

Climax Hi-Tech is operated under license from Climax Engineering Company.